The main task of pre-seeding is to thoroughly prepare the soil for sowing, create an ideal sowing bed, and retain moisture.

In general, tillage before sowing solves the following tasks:

  • loosening the top layer to the seeding depth
  • leveling the surface of the field
  • creation of a fine lumpy state of the seed layer
  • creation of a compacted bed at the depth of seeding
  • weed germination
  • embedding applied fertilizers
  • preservation of moisture in the soil
  • improvement of microbiological activity, nutritional regimen
  • formation of conditions for uniform friendly emergence of seedlings
  • creation of conditions for productive work of agricultural machinery, sowing, care and harvesting

The result of a high-quality pre-sowing treatment: a loosened fine lumpy soil layer is created, moisture is retained and a favorable phytosanitary state is created on the site. All this ensures high field germination of seeds.

An excellent result of competent processing - a clean field with an optimal ratio of water, air and temperature, which will provide the necessary nutrition for the plants.

And HF Agro units effectively fulfill these tasks.

Field Rollers

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