HF Agro reversible plows are designed for plowing on various soils - both clean and littered with stones.

HF Agro plows provide quality plowing in all soil conditions with maximum comfort for the tractor driver.

Maximum convenience, a huge selection of options and accessories, mechanical and hydraulic adjustments, reliable multi-stage protection - these are (and much more) HF Agro reversible plows.

General characteristics of HF Agro plows:
●    from 5 to 8 bodies (with the possibility of installing additional)
●    all modern protection systems (shear bolt, spring or hydraulics)
●    maximum adjustments (mechanical or hydraulic)
●    wide range of shares and accessories

Contact us

Sales department: +48452364945 office@hfagro.de

Reversible plow HF Agro for unclogged soils

These plows are designed for plowing for cereals and industrial crops to a depth of 18 to 35 cm, on soils not clogged with stones, flagstone and other obstacles.



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Reversible plow HF Agro for all soils

HF Agro plows of the HF-111 series provide the highest quality plowing in any soil conditions and at the same time with maximum comfort for the tractor driver. Maximum convenience, a huge selection of options and accessories, mechanical and hydraulic adjustments, reliable multi-stage protection - these are (and much more) HF Agro reversible plows.



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